Posts Tagged ‘recession’

How the Fed Prevented Another Great Depression


By Covering Business   March 15, 2012

Transparency and swift, unconventional actions helped ease economic strain.

How Recessions Affect Consumption

Photo: Miki Yoshihito

By Covering Business   

The National Bureau of Economic Research studies how economic slowdowns affect spending habits.

Why Recessions Extend Lifespans

Photo: Omer Unlu

By Covering Business   March 14, 2012

In an article for Bloomberg, Peter Osrzag compiles research to show why downturns promote longer lives.

At Ford, Europe Becomes an Albatross

By Covering Business   March 11, 2012

Ford Motor’s presence in Europe was supposed help the company get through a soft patch. Today, it’s become a liability.

Amid Signs of Growth, Concern Over 2012

By Covering Business   December 15, 2011

The economy is showing hints of life, but economists have not ruled out another recession.