Protecting Your Source in the Digital Era

By Tiffany Hsu July 18, 2016
Digital conversations over email, text or even the phone are vulnerable to tracking and hacking. And although some beats are more prone to attacks—war coverage, technology, national security, anything investigative—shielding sources is responsible journalistic practice for any reporter. Knight-Bagehot fellow and former Los Angeles Times reporter Tiffany Hsu put together a primer on how to chat safely online in an age of hackers and surveillance.
Green and Clean: How to Cover Renewable Energy

By Tiffany Hsu June 20, 2016
Renewable energy is a beat that’s full of compelling stories for journalists to tell. Tales of prospectors, abandoned projects and risk-taking cowboys abound. But because so much of the technology is new and the subject so heavily politicized, it can be tough to get the real story. Tiffany Hsu, former reporter for the Los Angeles Times and a recent Knight Bagehot fellow, breaks it down for us.
Mining Social Media

By Tiffany Hsu May 18, 2016
Dozens of new apps and tools make it easier than ever for journalists to sort and uncover information, data and sources for stories on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. We put together a quick guide.