Trade War Map, Conflict Minerals Easing, Tipped Get Stiffed

By Peter Ward February 10, 2017
Trump protectionism could set off a trade war; Trump proposes eliminating conflict minerals disclosures; Tipped workers often don’t make full minimum wage.
Price’s Conflicts, Uber Blowback, ACA Popularity Peaks

By Peter Ward February 3, 2017
Health and Human Services Secretary nominee Tom Price appears to have conflicts; Uber customers defected en masse after it broke a strike meant to protest immigration ban; Affordable Care Act is hitting peak popularity just as Trump and Republicans aim to repeal it.
Government Sachs, Ghost Armies, JPMorgan Chase Discrimination Settlement

By Peter Ward January 20, 2017
Goldman Sachs’ enormous influence on U.S. government; U.S. Army paying nonexistent soldiers in Afghanistan; JPMorgan Chase agrees to $55 million discrimination settlement.
Tillerson’s Footprint, Trump Jr. Wants More Gun Silencers, Trump Conflicts Dodge

By Peter Ward January 13, 2017
New York Times tracks Tillerson’s dealmaking in authoritarian regimes; Trump’s son promotes gun silencers; Trump throws piles of paper at conflicts of interest charges.
Trump to Kill Foundation, Streaming Saves Music, Dow 20,000?

By Peter Ward December 30, 2016
Trump to Close Foundation Can a President of the U.S. also lead a charitable foundation? Apparently not if the foundation suffers repeated controversies over how it has collected and disbursed funds. David Fahrenthold and Mark Berman write in The Washington Post this week that President-elect Donald Trump will be closing his foundation down. The Donald […]
Trump for Sale, Living with Parents, Alibaba’s Notorious

By Peter Ward December 23, 2016
A Charity is selling access to the president after inauguration day; 40% of young Americans living with relatives; Alibaba lands back on “Notorious” list for counterfeit goods.
Trump Hotel Conflict, Internet Discrimination, Trump Tweet Stock Risk

By Peter Ward December 16, 2016
Trump in breach of contract if he keeps D.C. hotel; It’s easy for businesses to discriminate on the Internet; Traders are trying to take advantage of the havoc an angry Trump tweet can wreak.
Pentagon Buries Report, Obamacare Repeal Challenges, Disciplining Google

By Peter Ward December 9, 2016
The Pentagon buried a report that was critical of budget inefficiencies; repealing Obamacare in parts threatens healthcare industry; Google is investing fiscal discipline into its Google X dream machine.
Older Japanese to Work, Buying Instagram Influence, Opec Cuts Production

By Peter Ward December 2, 2016
Workers over 65 in Japan are rejoining the workforce; Becoming an Instagram Influencer often means buying good photos and followers; Opec cuts production for the first time in eight years.
Turkey Scrutiny, Trump’s Self-Dealing, Trump’s Tax Plan

By Peter Ward November 25, 2016
Thanksgiving turkey workers pushed to point of injury; Trump’s foundation disclosed self-dealing; Trump’s tax plan helps the rich.
China Bubble, Facebook Radicalizes, Medicare Drug Spend Up

By Peter Ward November 18, 2016
China’s debt to GDP ratio portends trouble; Facebook helps to radicalize with new algorithm; Doctors spending more on drugs through medicare as prices rise.
Trump vs. Media, Minimum Wage Boosted, Market Indices Up on Election Result

By Peter Ward November 11, 2016
Trump’s victory a challenge for the media; Voters chose to raise minimum wages in many states; despite predictions of a Trump-related meltdown, market indices rose on the election news.
Trump Email Scandal, Legal Pot, Min. Wage and Gun Laws on the Ballot, Facebook Vs. Media

By Peter Ward November 4, 2016
Newsweek revealed this week that Trump companies have been systematically destroying emails for years, in defiance of court orders; Big ballot initiatives in some states this election include legalizing pot, raising the minimum wage and requiring background checks on certain gun purchases; Facebook is undercutting media companies by siphoning off even more advertising revenues.
Narrowing Gender Pay Gap, AT&T Paid to Spy, Weak Pound Boon to Glaxo

By Peter Ward October 28, 2016
The Washington Post examines gender pay gap in federal government; AT&T’s Hemisphere used to spy on Americans targeted by law enforcement, for a profit; a weakened pound gave a major boost to pharmaceutical GlaxoSmithKline earnings.
Hyperloop’s Hangups, Obamacare Gap, Clinton Foundation Scrutiny

By Peter Ward October 21, 2016
Elon Musk’s supersonic train shifts focus; healthy youth are hurting Obamacare; Clinton Foundation denies conflicts of interest.
Campaign Ad Spending, Big Soda Cozy with Healthcare, Obama Fails on Airline Mergers

By Peter Ward October 14, 2016
Florida is primary focus for both Hillary and Trump; beverage industry donations may be influencing healthcare groups; airline industry consolidation has led to higher prices; Samsung forced to recall its exploding phone.
Dirty Air Kills, Yahoo Caught Snooping, Pence Profits from Gambling Interests

By Peter Ward October 7, 2016
The WHO found 3 million deaths result from air pollution each year; Yahoo has been searching customers’ incoming emails; Pence penned pro-gambling legislation while receiving hefty campaign contributions from the industry; ballooning global debt could threaten global economy.
Closeup on the Yuan, Aviation’s Emissions Struggle, Deutsche Bank’s Stumbles

By Peter Ward September 30, 2016
Yuan to get a boost with inclusion in IMF basket; the aviation industry is working to address high emissions issues with biofuel and other solutions; Deutsche Bank faces fines, profit losses and workforce cuts.
Cost of Trump on Trade, Growing Racial Wage Gap, Low Baseball Wages

By Peter Ward September 23, 2016
The Wall Street Journal estimates the worst-case scenario on trade under Trump; the wage gap between black and white Americans has widened since 1979; minor league baseball players can barely scrape by on their low wages.
Pay to Play in Wisconsin, Worker Comp Opt Outs Face Trouble, Bayer-Monsanto Cement Deal

By Peter Ward September 16, 2016
The Guardian investigation reveals criminal campaign finance violations; data suggests big cohort of non-voters are white, middle-income and middle-aged; Oklahoma Supreme Court rules worker comp opt outs unconstitutional; Bayer and Monsanto cement deal.
Private Equity Shuns Trump, Theranos In Depth, Stranded Cargo

By Peter Ward September 9, 2016
Hillary gets all private equity money despite strong words on billionaire’s tax loophole; Vanity Fair takes a closer look at the downfall of Theranos; shipping bankruptcy leaves global cargo stranded.
Global Super Court Favors Big Business, Apple’s Irish Tax Bill, Epipen Pressure Grows

By Peter Ward September 2, 2016
Buzzfeed looks into global arbitration court ISDS; Business Insiders puts Apple’s giant $14.5 billion tax bill into context; Senators send a letter to Mylan slamming it’s Epipen price hikes.
National Parks Shortfall, Welfare Overhaul’s Legacy, Tesla’s New Battery

By Peter Ward August 26, 2016
On the eve of its 100-year anniversary, National Parks in the red; Twenty years after an overhaul of welfare, the number of American families in poverty is up; Tesla’s new battery called a “profound milestone” by CEO Elon Musk.
Aetna’s Obamacare Withdrawal, Walmart’s Crime Wave, Uber’s Self-Driving Launch

By Peter Ward August 19, 2016
Aetna threatened Obamacare withdrawal over blockage of merger with Humana; Wal-Mart is battling a crime wave at its retail stores; Uber is on the verge of launching its self-driving car.